
Dato/tid: Fredag 8.jan 2021 kl 18:00-21:00 (Norwegian time)
Innkalt: Hele styret, men åpent for alle medlemmer.

• Brief status update.
• Open conversation about Breaking for the Olympics.
• Presentation and votes for incoming projects in 2021:

1. Concept Event. Celebration and creating awareness such as 3vs3 allstyles battle (world heart day, halloween edition, Kool Herc and Cindy Campbell day etc) - Pitch from @Márcio Ratinho

2. Battle7rings new series. Hiphop 1vs1 and Breaking 1vs1. Seven smaller events and one finale event. Pitch @Stew Leftsound Crew, Appi and Huyen. New rings with B7R logo on, custom name rings made in the US.

3. We have a full organizer team for the ranking competions of the Dance Federation. Streetchallenge and Knockout series, NM veka, so we will go forward on bidding on all competitions that gives official ranking points. Pitch @Stew Leftsound Crew @Cédric Gervais Rit @Márcio Ratinho, Åsmund and Huyen.

4. The club will have it’s own ressource group for all members who wants to reach their max potential for competitions. As for right now only Bboys and Bgirls has reached out. The board will apply for extra funds just for this and we will make a separate group for this as well. Send us your CV so we can add you in the applications. You can aim for the OL, YOG, BOTY, Redbull etc. International ambition is the goal. Åsmund will assist Huyen as we will try to get sponsors for you guys too. Pitch - Huyen and Åsmund.

5. Legacy project concerning the dances of the west coast of US - Locking, Popping, Electric Boogaloo and other vernacular dances to Soul and Funk music. We will bring Sugapop for teaching this as one of the first in a series of dance “heritage”. Pitch @Stew Leftsound Crew and me.

6. New mirrors on the long side in Vulkan (little studio), better sound equiptment in all of the studios, floor equipment specially for Breaking.

7. Promovideo for the club in 2021. This is approved and the project group is @Paulo A.Herrera @Reno Andersen @Christian Smith Johnsen + a camera/editor (dont know his name).

8. Seminars on Mental heath, motivation, Entreprenurship, Nutrition, Dance spesific training, How to prevent injuries/ recovery etc. This is approved too, just waiting for prices form managers. Pitch - The OUI board. 

9. Young female leaders. We already have 10K in funds from Sparebankstiftelsen. This female empowerment project is lead by @Kristina Erika Nordmo @Victoria Dahl @Deepali Bhargava from the board. Contact them if you want to join/help. 

10. Developing DJs for battles with DJ Stew and DJ FMC. Pitch Stew, FMC and Huyen. 

11. Incoming ideas, open call.

Email requests to



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